I've just taken a view out the sliding doors of my sewing room, looking out into my little courtyard, with a view of my spa, umbrella, outdoor setting and lots of greenery. That brown blob on the fence on the right is a corrugated iron possum (I just love him). We actually have possums run along our roof at night - they sound like a herd of elephants but it's just one or two possums. We have just 3 units in our block, doesn't seem like a unit block at all. I have a Mock Orange just outside the door and it is often in bloom with a lovely wafting perfume. There are heaps of buds on it now and they are about to 'pop'. The square item on the left is a cd on top of a collection of cds. I also have my computer to my left and a new 22" tv on my right. There is a huge bookcase full of quilting books and magazines behind me and also to my right is a Horn cabinet fitted with one of my machines. On the floor to my left is a huge pile of "stuff" which I need to go through and tidy/toss. Oh, yes, and there is an airconditioner on the wall above the tv.

At the moment I am taking it easy, when I'm not stessing because I can't get the photos onto my new blog. I have a headache and am trying to get rid of that before it gets any worse. I have the aircon, tv, computer on at the moment. Just got a couple of magazines in the mail so might have a bit of a look at then now that I've accomplished the photos thank you to Glenice on Scquilters.